A new release has arrived, which is good. But I'm waiting for version 5.2. Will you upgrade to 5.2 once it will become available? Let me know in the comments section!
New software features
Applying a route map to interleak redistribution from direct subnets
You can apply a route map to interleak redistribution from direct subnets (L3Out interfaces). You can also configure the deny action in the route-map for interleak redistribution for static routes and direct subnets.
In Cisco ACI, a border leaf node on which Layer 3 Outsides (L3Outs) are deployed redistributes L3Out routes to the BGP IPv4/IPv6 address family and then to the MP-BGP VPNv4/VPNv6 address family along with the VRF information so that L3Out routes are distributed from a border leaf node to other leaf nodes through the spine nodes. Interleak redistribution in the Cisco ACI fabric refers to this redistribution of L3Out routes to the BGP IPv4/IPv6 address family. By default, interleak happens for all L3Out routes, such as routes learned through dynamic routing protocols, static routes, and directly-connected subnets of L3Out interfaces, except for routes learned through BGP. Routes learned through BGP are already in the BGP IPv4/IPv6 table and are ready to be exported to MP-BGP VPNv4/VPNv6 without interleak.
Interleak redistribution allows users to apply a route-map to redistribute L3Out routes selectively into BGP to control which routes should be visible to other leaf nodes, or to set some attributes to the routes, such as BGP community, preference, metric, and so on. This redistribution enables selective transit routing to be performed on another border leaf node based on the attributes set by the ingress border leaf node or so that other leaf nodes can prefer routes from one border leaf node to another.
Look for "Interleak Redistribution for MP-BGP"
Deny action in the route-map for interleak redistribution for static routes and direct subnets
You can configure the deny action in the route-map for interleak redistribution for static routes and direct subnets.
Resolved issues
After upgrading the switch nodes, the policy manager crashes on all Cisco APICs in a cluster and all replicas are down for the policy manager data management engine.
When adding or deleting a static route to an L3Out, it may trigger an update to the contracts to which its VRF is related, even if the contract is not modified.
The urlToken is not returned after logging in to the Cisco APIC.
Compatibility information
Cisco NX-OS
Cisco AVS
Cisco UCS Manager
2.2(1c) or later is required for the Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect and other components, including the BIOS, CIMC, and the adapter.
- 4.1(3b) CIMC HUU ISO (recommended) for UCS C220/C240 M5 (APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.1(2b) CIMC HUU ISO (recommended) for UCS C220/C240 M4 (APIC-L2/M2)
- 4.1(1g) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220/C240 M4 (APIC-L2/M2) and M5 (APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.1(1f) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M4 (APIC-L2/M2) (deferred release)
- 4.1(1d) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M5 (APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.1(1c) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M4 (APIC-L2/M2)
- 4.0(4e) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M5 (APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.0(2g) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C240 M4 and M5 (APIC-L2/M2 and APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.0(2g) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M4 and M5 (APIC-L2/M2 and APIC-L3/M3)
- 4.0(1a) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220 M5 (APIC-L3/M3)
- 3.0(4l) CIMC HUU ISO (recommended) for UCS C220/C240 M3 (APIC-L1/M1)
- 3.0(4d) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220/C240 M3 and M4 (APIC-L1/M1 and APIC-L2/M2)
- 3.0(3f) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220/C240 M4 (APIC-L2/M2)
- 3.0(3e) CIMC HUU ISO for UCS C220/C240 M3 (APIC-L1/M1)
- 2.0(13i) CIMC HUU ISO
- 2.0(9c) CIMC HUU ISO
- 2.0(3i) CIMC HUU ISO